At 2015 MSI, Reapered countered Fakers undefeated Leblanc pick with an amazing draft winning game 5 of the finals and winning the first MSI trophy for China.Įdit: Evidence for Reapered working as a coach for EDG: With Season 8 Worlds approaching, I cannot wait to see what C9 and Reapered have in store for us.

Three years later, he is displaying his godly coaching skills on C9. This was one of the first times I had seen a draft virtually win a team the game in competitive league and the mastermind behind this draft was none other than Reapered. On top of that, the Evelynn pick rendered Bengi’s Nunu pick useless since Nunu’s strength was controlling and tracking the enemy jungler, something that couldn’t be accomplished against an invisible Evelynn. Putting EDG Clearlove on Evelynn neutralized all of that and even forced a laneswap out of SKT, which put Gnar behind. Gnar would have gone out of control in the 1v1 against Maokai, and SKTs botlane of Urgot and Nautilus had huge kill pressure. This was huge for EDG because SKT had drafted 3 winning lanes, one of which (their top lane) was supposed to be their win condition. As you may guess, this caused a lot of fear in SKTs laners and forced them to play passively during laning phase. That pick was Evelynn.Īt the time, Evelynn had not been reworked and was stealthed starting from level one.
This was a heavily favorable matchup for Gnar and also opened up the splitpush as an option for SKT mid to late game.īut, Repeared must have predicted this outcome and responded with a curveball pick that shows his genius as a coach. SKT tried to alleviate this problem by drafting Gnar in the top lane. SKTs Urgot pick made this problem worse since SKT lacked damage to kill the tanky team comp that EDG drafted. Even the adc pick, Sivir for Deft, was safe with the spell shield.Īs you can see, Reapered had designed an entire team comp to counter Faker’s Leblanc and render it useless. Additionally, Maokai had the targeted root for when Leblanc went in, which could easily be followed up with Alistar combo and Morgana snare. This pick was great for two reasons: Leblanc had low kill pressure on Morgana and Morgana could shove waves safely to prevent Leblanc from roaming.īesides Morgana, drafted Maokai in the top lane and Alistar for support, two tanky picks that wouldn’t be blown up by Leblanc. In the mid lane, EDG countered the Leblanc pick with Morgana. EDG and Repeared responded with one of the most brilliant drafts in league history. In the 5th game, Faker blind picked his Leblanc, which was undefeated, 12-0, at the time. One of the tournaments that he coached EDG for was MSI 2015.Īs many of you may remember, EDG went on to win that MSI beating SKT in 5 games in the final. Before Reapered was a coach for C9, he coached for the LPL team EDG. Repeared’s huge success this split reminded me of another time he displayed his incredible skills as a coach. So many of you know about how well Reapered has coached this year winning Coach of the Split for NA LCS in Summer 2018 and helping C9 go from 10th place to finals to worlds with the first functioning 7 man roster in NA.